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citymancs / Re: More litigation within foo...
Last post by gavin - July 23, 2024, 21:00:24
It is hard to contemplate who is worst though, the Premier League, UEFA, the FA or FIFA. All of the governing bodies are in a race to the bottom - riddled with self interest, greed and corruption.
off topic / Re: BBC Tax
Last post by gavin - July 23, 2024, 20:55:52
I don't mind the licence fee. We do get some quality TV from it, in amongst the undoubted shite that is on. Sky annoys me far more. They charge you an arm and a leg, then fill all their stuff with adverts on top, then provide the combination of Carragher and Neville for City matches.
off topic / Re: BBC Tax
Last post by Stephen Paul - July 23, 2024, 16:38:18
absolute rip off
Why do we still have to pay this tax on top of sky and dodgy boxes

Bargain hunt and fucking pointless

off topic / BBC Tax
Last post by Stephen Paul - July 23, 2024, 16:36:10
Anyone who watches live television programming, streams live content or watches BBC iPlayer needs to pay for the TV licence which currently costs £169.50 a year
citymancs / More litigation within footbal...
Last post by reddishblue - July 23, 2024, 13:56:05
The PL and the PFA along with other leagues etc are taking FIFA to court. About fucking time in my opinion.
citymancs / Re: Incredibly quiet on the si...
Last post by gavin - July 23, 2024, 08:03:07
Looks like it will remain quiet according to Pep

"I don't rule out new players as an option, but I think there is an 85, 90, 95% chance we will have the same squad."

citymancs / Re: Premier League 24/25 Seaso...
Last post by gavin - July 22, 2024, 21:14:59
Its been a while since we won the League Cup. It is a bit curious how Newcastle are shorter odds than the rags for the League Cup but longer for the League. Good to see the rags still fighting for European places rather than having a realistic chance of the title, even at this stage.
citymancs / Re: Premier League 24/25 Seaso...
Last post by Stephen Paul - July 22, 2024, 07:03:44
League Cup Odds

City 4/1
Arsenal 8/1
Liverpool 10/1
Chelsea 10/1
Newcastle 11/1
Rags 14/1
Spurs 16/1
Viila 16/1
off topic / Re: Yanks and Guns contd...
Last post by Stephen Paul - July 22, 2024, 06:57:53
Biden up the road for forgetting what day it is
citymancs / Re: Premier League 24/25 Seaso...
Last post by gavin - July 20, 2024, 21:28:37
It is definitely not going to be easy for the new manager there. Love or loathe Klopp, he was a big personality and a very good manager. The new man will have to make a big impression, get the full confidence of his players and win games quickly. But it will be easier than replacing Pep. That will be one helluva job for whomever gets it.