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Canaries City Thread (8 wins to go)

Started by KunDB, March 12, 2016, 11:49:22

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Rowley Birkin QC


Absolute garbage. Never mind Bony, that was pathetic all round. Never even looked like scoring second half. Never looked like we really wanted to score. Even in the last 30 seconds we were building up like we had all day. Well even if we had we wouldn't have scored.


Cannot wait for Pellers statement, we can still win if we win all our remaining games. We never give up. FFS never give up, we have not even started trying!

Rowley Birkin QC

Both Sagna and Clichy were just awful going forward.

For the brief time he was on we looked more dangerous with Zabaleta. Someone a bit more direct - prepared to run at the defence.


Quote from: Rowley Birkin QC on March 12, 2016, 13:41:53
Fine for the first 20 minutes or so when Norwich weren't pressing - should have turned that into a goal or two. Then Norwich woke up and suddenly we couldn't keep the ball.

We've gone back to the slow decision making, slow build up stuff. I don't understand why - when we have two strikers - we don't put more crosses in? All very well trying to work the ball in behind the Norwich defence for the cut back, but for christ sake try something else!!! And why don't we shoot more?   

Dog shit so far. Not happy.

Above sums up our season perfectly


90 minutes for the Ferns together in midfield in a game we had to win and we failed to score. I was surprised to see Navas go off. He wasn't great but I think we had more chance with him on.

Rowley Birkin QC

Too much of our game plan was "push it out wide to the flanks and see if they can come up with something clever". Norwich soon worked out how to keep us out there. So did we try something else? Mix it up?

Not really. Once we got Iheanacho on we finally started to offer some drive and threat up the middle - but too little too late. He really should have started this game.

Poor Silva looks to be suffering with that ankle, and even Aguero seemed to always want to take that extra, move killing touch.


Quote from: Zabba on March 12, 2016, 14:35:39
Absolutely clueless stuff to our shame.

Bye bye Premier League, in danger of bye bye Champions League. Good news is bye bye Pelle, hello Pep.

Just not soon enough! Utterly useless selection again.


I have watched some dreadful City teams, void of real talent. This is a City team overflowing with talent, mega under performing, which pisses me off more than I have been in near 60 years supporting City.

Today's performance was worse than playing with 11 strangers who just met before kick off, no real effort or committment and no tactical plan.

The Blue Blooded Maniac

That was fucking horrific.

Back four was fair enough. Zab may not be fully match fit and Clichy is only a marginal improvement on Kolo for defensive work.

I can live with Navas on the right, but Silva on the wing has never been effective in the 6(?) years he has been with us, even though Pelle and Mankini still insist on doing it every now and again.

With the two nandos in the middle, Dinho only gaining the balls to go forward and Doh hardly ever seen in the final third (not a bad thing mind you) there was obviously going to be no attacking influence or for that matter no presence what so ever in the middle of the pitch.

I understand why he may want to pick Bony as he wants his own signing to be a success but he need not look any further than todays game for proof that it just isnt going to happen and he needs to be man enough to accept that.

The fans, the pundits, everyone can see who should be playing and how but for some reason it is just beyond Pelle.

If Pelle wasnt going anyway at the end of the season I have no doubt that he would be sent packing anyway as we are starting to go backwards, and I bet a lot of the youth team would have been getting itchy feet if they had of thought he was staying on past this season.

I dont get his team selection and I dont get his tactics. I just dont get any of it at all!!


Bony is a burgerstain signing surely? Maybe MP is hanging them out to dry with him...

I wonder if Kidd would do any worse on his own!?


That was just shite, hunting season and we turn up with no rifle.

Maybe if we'd started with the team we finished with we couldve won

Im beginning to hate fucking Pellegrine


15 home games in PL 39 goals. 14 away games 13 goals.

At some point even a stubborn fool like Pellers has got to realise his tactics away from home are just not working.

5 months withoue back to back PL wins.

These are incredible failures by Pellegrini, with this quality of  squad absolutely unbelievable. It strikes me the players are baffled by his tactics and team selections and have given up working as a team.

Expect Bony to start against Utd next weekend.


Quote from: nimrod on March 12, 2016, 23:44:18
That was just shite, hunting season and we turn up with no rifle.

Maybe if we'd started with the team we finished with we couldve won

Im beginning to hate fucking Pellegrine

I've been hoping for the last few weeks that he'd be stuck on gardening leave


look on the bright side, didnt lose


Slow, static build-up ruining it for us again. Too much walking around with the ball. If you look at the Bayern's and Barcelona's of this world they know how to unlock these park the bus teams with much movenement and fast passing of the ball. The ball should be doing the work, not the players, at least that's what I was told when I was a 6 year old ;) Also found it a bit strange to play with two strikers, making it even more crowded in the 18 yard box. >:(


Quote from: goat on March 13, 2016, 15:45:13
look on the bright side, didnt lose

we didnt lose the battle but we probably lost the war